Distillery District Toronto

Springing into Spring, Sunshine and Satisfaction!


CN Tower Toronto SpringHappy Spring!!

Well, from the Northern Hemisphere of course…

The time has finally come when the leaves will grow on trees, the sunlight of each day will last longer and the temperature will rise enough that we won’t have to dawn sweaters, mittens, scarves, boots, hats and thick jackets to avoid turning into a popsicle.

While parts of Canada saw an extremely mild winter (global warming anyone?), this easier, vitamin D filled weather is greatly welcomed by most.

This past weekend marked St. Patrick’s Day and as usual, I celebrated with great company  & great beer. To step things up a notch, I also met an Irish couple named Charlie & Elizabeth who have only been in Canada for 5 weeks and as they put it ‘did not know anyone’.

St. Patricks Day Toronto
L-R: Aggie, Charlie, Me, Elizabeth, Darren, Sume

The duo chimed in with our festivities, we exchanged highlights of our own countries and they exclaimed how incredible Toronto’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations really are.

Well done Toronto, well done.

As the warmer weather makes it more enjoyable to be outside, this first day of spring marks a fresh start the season of adventure and exploration. Toronto will quickly see more people in parks, visiting sites like the Distillery District, and without question, the patios will be full to the brim.

Distillery District TorontoI hope that this spring, summer and fall will take me through more of Canada, the United States, Peru, Bolivia, Russia and central Europe.

Whoa…when you write that down, it is slightly overwhelming.

Last year’s warmer days proved to be eventful and found me travelling a fair bit. This year, we’re going to take the vagabond spirit a whole lot further.

I would really like to hear your travel plans this spring/summer/fall. Where would you like to go?

And if you are in the southern hemisphere, how will you make this winter the best one yet? 

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