Where’s Brock Headed This Time?

I’ve had an exciting announcement to share with you. A big one.

Last year I spent the summer travelling around North America filming and hosting tours for a company called Viator. Each day my partner Jules and I would go on tours, one of us would host or ‘experience’ the tour while the other would be the videographer and capture the tour. The next day, we would swap roles.

It proved to be a very exciting summer, taking us to 20 cities through North America and providing me the opportunity to experience things I thought would have to wait until I retired to be able to do, if ever. At the same time I was doing a job I love and improving both my hosting and video skills.

Well folks, I’m thrilled to inform you that I’m back on the road again with Viator. This time they have sent me and my partner Asha on a 2 month project through Asia and Australia.

For those of you have followed my adventures for a while now you’ll know that this is yet another massive step towards living out my dream of sharing the world with, well, the world!

Give the video above a quick watch for the verbal announcement and to meet Asha as we hop onto our flight to our first stop Tokyo!

I’m looking forward to bringing you along on this wild adventure.

Thank you again for all your love and support through everything!

Here we go!!

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