What To Do When It Rains

You’re Nor Sugar, Nor Salt – What To Do When It Rains During Your Vacation

What To Do When It Rains

It’s a rainy night in Toronto.

Sitting here at my window, I’m watching and listening to the rain tumble down from the sky.

While I’m thankful to be in where it’s warm and dry, I can’t help but have some flashbacks. On numerous occasions I’ve been in an unfamiliar city or village, seeing the rain fall and having to make a solid decision:

A) Do I stay in where I’ll be dry?


B) Do I venture out and explore this place that I have limited time to visit?

Selecting what to do when it rains is a tough choice! Well, unless your hostel has holes in the ceiling and you are going to get wet regardless.

Sometimes our travels are focused on being outside: relaxing in the sand on any of the beautiful beaches in Thailand, in England to get some exercise on the multiple walking holidays in Cumbria, or making your very own safari video in Kenya’s Maasai Mara.

Whether this has happened to you before or you are simply waiting for the day , maybe you’re on the beaches of Thailand, in England to get some exercise – I’d like to share with you some insight from my own experiences.

What To Do When It Rains

Meet Your Fellow Travellers1. Spend some time with your fellow backpackers. Most hostels will have a lounge or common room. You’re dorm room will do the trick as well.
Sit back, share stories, play cards or board games if they are on hand. Make a point of listening and learning from those around you – you never know what you will discover.

2. Contribute something. If the weather is bad enough that you truly can’t stay outside, offer to do something for the hostel or restaurant owner where you are stuck.
If you’ve gotten even the slightest bit damp, this is sure to warm you up – on the outside AND on the inside.

Catch Up On Your Journal3. Catch up. There’s likely something you’ve been meaning to take care of. Maybe it’s writing postcards and emails to those back home, getting your journal up to date or reorganizing your bag (oh, how I dreaded that).
Take this time to tie up loose strings so you simply don’t have to think about it.

4. Be alone. People often asked me how I travelled on my own for a year but the fact of the matter is, I was rarely alone. Actually, I usually had to make a point of finding alone time.
You meet so many other travellers while you’re backpacking, so why not spend the rainy night or day capturing some solid ‘me’ time. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it.

5. Go ADVENTURING! Naturally, my favourite tip for what to do when it rains is to head out and explore wherever you happen to be (assuming it is safe to do so…let’s use our common sense people).
As my mother always says:

You’re nor sugar, nor salt. You will not dissolve.

It’s so true. Unless you’re the Wicked Witch of the West that is…but I digress! What To Do When It Rains
I recall heading out into the rain to film my Copenhagen Denmark video. I had only one day to see the city and of course it rained. Needless to say I got wet – but it was one of the most invigorating & rejuvenating days of my trip. I was given a challenge and I accepted it!

So, next time you are faced with a rainy day or night and aren’t quite sure what to do when it rains, why not give the above ideas a go. You might surprise yourself and have a really great time.

What do you do when it rains? Stay in or explore?

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