Marching Into March With Happiness!

Happy March everyone! 

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I love the 1st of the month – in the same way that I love New Years & Mondays.

You can make a fresh start any old day but something about the start of a week, month or year just makes it a little more special.

This month, I am going to actively live and make choices based on happiness.

I recently watched a marvelous TED Talk (if you are unaware of this term, ‘TED’ is an unending source of inpiration and information. It’s addictive…in a good way). You can visit the TED Talks site here.

In a nutshell, the speaker, Shawn Achor, explains how happiness and positivity improve productivity on numerous levels.

Shawn states the following:

Dopamine, which floods into your body when you’re positive, has two functions.
Not only does it make you happier,it turns on all the learning centres in your brain.

While being positive will assit me in being happier on a day to day basis (although I am a pretty darn HAPPY guy to begin with), this positivity and happiness will increase my productivity and the quality of the work I am creating through my business.

I recently wrote about how I dropped the blogger ball, outlining that I had become burnt out in my blogging and needed a break. Because I was not feeling positive and finding happiness in my work, I was losing productivity and quality in my work.

Now, post break, I feel re-energized and positive, which of course, has improved my productivity and the quality of the work I am doing.

This month – March – I am going to find happiness first. Doing this will improve my projects and productivity.

I will also commit through the month of March to post on my blog every day. 31 days – 31 posts!

I’ve included the discussed TED Talk below. Take the time to give it a watch. Shawn talks quickly but he’s got a lot to cover. It’s certainly worth it.

How will you increase your positivity and happiness this month? Let me know in the comments below!

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