The #ReaderLove Challenge

I love statistics and useless facts. Little bits of information to get you thinking.
As a blogger one of the many sources of information I have access to is my Google Analytics. It’ provides me with information on everything from the number of visits I get to my site each day to the types of computers they are using and even what pages they visit.

My favourite statistic of them all is what countries are visiting my site. Can you believe Backpack With Brock gets visitors from over 65 countries each month?! Epic! Hey ya’ll!

My friend Adam of ‘Travels of Adam’ recently wrote a post called ‘Where Do You Come From? #ReaderLove’ where he listed the 10 countries that visit his site the most. Cool huh? This concept was inspired by ‘Waegook Tom’

How could I not jump on this idea train? It’s interesting how these lists vary by travel blog…

Keeping with the format, in reverse order here are the countries with the most visits to

10. Thailand

Sa-wat-dee kraup! Thailand was my first experience stop in Asia and my first foreign country as a backpacker where English wasn’t the first language. I learned a lot. FAST. It was there I chilled at the Patara Elephant Farm – one of the best days of my entire trip. Thailand also taught me about what foods you should never eat. I actually throw up in this video… Love you Thailand!

9. South Korea

I never made it to South Korea on my first time around the world but it’s on my radar. Next time I head to SEAsia, Korea is a must.

8. Singapore

Another country I’ve yet to make it too but in time. Thanks for consistently visiting the site Singapore!

7. India

Oh India. The times we shared were ‘memorable’ to say the least. I spent more time in India then any other country on my RTW trip and while travelling there was one of the most challenging things I have ever done, I’m glad I went. Thanks for following the blog India (you have a billion plus people after all) and for this wicked haircut…

6. Germany

Guten-tag! Good friends. Good Art. Good Beer! Germany!

5. Philippines

Another amazing country in Asia I didn’t make it to but have on my must visit list for next time. Some of the loveliest people you’ll ever meet.

4. United Kingdom

After 9 months of speaking broken English I was so thankful to visit the UK. Brits were some of my best travel companions and apparently they decided to keep following my blog! Thanks!

3. Australia

Stop #2 of my RTW adventure. Not only did I love celebrating Australia day with you, but you provided me one of the best road trips of my life! As for your vegemite…not so much.

2. United States of America

My neighbour to the south. For many travel bloggers, their number one visitor is the USA but here at Backpack With Brock, it’s a close second. Thank you for San Francisco and Tina Turner. (And faithfully visiting my site of course.)

1. Canada

And of course, the #1 spot goes to my home, the true north strong and free – Canada! You may be the second biggest country in the world but you’re number one in my heart. Ya, I went there.
Thanks for being the top visitor. Eh!

6 thoughts on “The #ReaderLove Challenge”

  1. Glad you did this too! Also, I remember watching that video of you getting the haircut in India and I ended up doing the same when I was there, though I opted out of the massage…

  2. @Ben – Interesting bottom 10 – specifically Azerbaijan & Suriname. 1 visitor I assume?

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