Green Hills Scotland

Snapshot: The Green Hills of Scotland

Green Hills Scotland

I distinctly remember the moment I took this photo.

I was on a full day journey from Edinburgh, Scotland to Cork, Ireland.

It was quite a distance to complete in one day by land (train, taxi & foot) & sea (ferry).

The train I was on was making it’s way from Glasgow to the port where the ferry  which would carry us to Belfast awaited. Sitting in my seat I had dozed off and when I awoke I looked out the window.

This is what I could saw.

Scotland and Ireland are known for being quite green and full of stunning nature. Hills, fields, forests.

This moment was the first that I got a glimpse of this beauty and there, right in the middle of it all, was a cozy little cottage. With my last sight being a built up city, this view was so calming and peaceful.

I dove into my backpack, grabbed my camera and snap – this was the result.

A profesional photographer would find numerous errors in this shot and it’s not likely to make National Geographic but that’s not a problem nor the reason I am sharing this photo with you.

This picture represents a moment in time and a feeling. My eyes wide by the view, I recall being silenced by the simple beauty of this place.

It conjured up my own memories of growing up in the country. That ability to sit and stare into the distance for hours without a building or any sign of humankind for as far as the eye can see.

Nature has the power to mesmerize you.

I would love to be the person or family who lives in that cottage and enjoys the serenity and quiet that only a location like that provides.

This photo also acts as a reminder. Next time I visit Scotland or Ireland, I will allow more time to explore and absorb it’s nature.

Whether that means renting a car to get to smaller villages on day trips or even camping throughout the region – I’m game!

If you liked the photo, do me a favour and hit like, stumble or tweet it. Or, you can leave a comment! OR…do all four!

Have you been to Scotland? Ireland?
Does this image bring back any memories for you as well? 

2 thoughts on “Snapshot: The Green Hills of Scotland”

  1. Hi Brock,

    I grew up in Northern Ireland and now live in England – been to both Scotland and Wales as well. All very beautiful countries and places well worth exploring. Recently did a post on my site about the Strangford Lough area in N.I. because it’s where I grew up and I hope to convince more people to go 🙂

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